Our Mission

The Arkansas Tobacco Education Initiative (ARTEI) was formed to improve the health status of all Arkansans by using evidence-based strategies through program initiatives, promotion of cessation services and recommendations of smoke free policies; to reduce the use of all tobacco products including, electronic nicotine delivery systems within Arkansas.  

No matter what kind of stress we’re experiencing, the better we can learn to cope in a healthy way, the more successfully we’ll be able to manage.

Whether you have a little or a lot of free time, there’s no better way to spend it than by getting out there and making a difference.

News & Notes

What's Going On?

Start your journey to a tobacco-free life.

Call 833-283-WELL or visit BeWellArkansas.org for help with quitting tobacco or managing diabetes and high blood pressure.

If you’re thinking about quitting smoking, our wellness counselors can help you. Call 833-283-WELL or visit bewellarkansas.org.

P O Box 112
Bryant, AR 72089

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